User Testing
Validate Ideas
To find out if the flow and UI are intuitive, I did the 1st round of testing to 5 people for Mid-Fi and 2nd round to 3 people for Hi-Fi. Everyone finished tasks smoothly, but some had questions about the instructions and where to find certain features, for example, delete accounts or share pet info with others.
I decided to adjust information architecture and use colors to code categories, which was proven the right choice in my 2nd round of testing.
Read the full testing report at Testing Findings.
Competitor Analysis
Missing super app
Although popular competitors offer various activity tracking, training, and vet appointment booking and have a large user base, they usually only focus on one area.
No way to store pets medical records
Storing medical records isn't feasible for many apps, yet every veterinarian requires pet owners to fill out pet information every time.
I sketched out multiple approaches for each category screen to better visualize how to move from screen to screen.
Design The Solutions - First Try
Mindful design validates users’ needs and cares for their motivations. Designing in solving individual problems rather than entire flows ensures the interface is flexible and open, and users empower the relationship with target users.
The following are some moments I think would be important based on my research. Further moments and features would likely be uncovered in the next steps.
"What Activities Can I Do to Keep My Pet Healthy and Happy?"
Someone using the app to track pet’s activities can also find tutorial videos in the section (upcoming features). They can choose to start tracking or watching tutorials first.
New User Onboarding
Transparency is key. Letting users know what this app does to inform them and give them the right to decide whether continue or not.
"Can I Set up a Reminder?"
Someone wanting to add a reminder might ask questions like, “How can I remind myself to do medicine fill today? Can I link it to other platforms?” In this case, they would click the “+” to add a reminder to the existing schedule.