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© 2021-2023 designed by Polly with 💜

User Testing

Validate Ideas

To find out if the flow and UI are intuitive, I did the 1st round of testing to 5 people for Mid-Fi and 2nd round to 3 people for Hi-Fi. Everyone finished tasks smoothly, but some had questions about the instructions and where to find certain features, for example, delete accounts or share pet info with others. 

I decided to adjust information architecture and use colors to code categories, which was proven the right choice in my 2nd round of testing. 

Read the full testing report at Testing Findings.

Competitor Analysis
Missing super app

Although popular competitors offer various activity tracking, training, and vet appointment booking and have a large user base, they usually only focus on one area.

No way to store pets medical records

Storing medical records isn't feasible for many apps, yet every veterinarian requires pet owners to fill out pet information every time.


I sketched out multiple approaches for each category screen to better visualize how to move from screen to screen. 

Design The Solutions - First Try

Mindful design validates users’ needs and cares for their motivations. Designing in solving individual problems rather than entire flows ensures the interface is flexible and open, and users empower the relationship with target users. 

The following are some moments I think would be important based on my research. Further moments and features would likely be uncovered in the next steps.

"What Activities Can I Do to Keep My Pet Healthy and Happy?"

Someone using the app to track pet’s activities can also find tutorial videos in the section (upcoming features). They can choose to start tracking or watching tutorials first.

New User Onboarding

Transparency is key. Letting users know what this app does to inform them and give them the right to decide whether continue or not.

"Can I Set up a Reminder?"

Someone wanting to add a reminder might ask questions like, “How can I remind myself to do medicine fill today? Can I link it to other platforms?” In this case, they would click the “+” to add a reminder to the existing schedule.

"Should I Add All Info at Once?"

Someone who just signed up might not be comfortable to fill all information at once. Giving them choices to do it now or later to reinforce the relationship.

Hi-Fi Prototype

The design of the Petsweet app on iOS result has received all positive feedback from pet owners, at the time of writing (one month since the MVP). However, as a hypothetical project, there is much more to do before this can be delivered for development. 

Interested in my entire design thinking process?

Drop me a line and let's talk.


Trying different approaches is excellent, but make sure to stick with the plan. Otherwise, ruining the schedule is the result.



It's always difficult to fully understand the business goals from the outside, especially for a young designer like me standing from a distance. Being able to speak to listeners and collect feedback helped me understand the industry; however, if I could connect with stakeholders, it would help me expand the narrative beyond just the features.

"How might we help users give pets medicine on-time?"

Because the way we structure the information has a direct impact on how people interact with the app, I took a decent amount of time in creating information architecture. I analyzed apps pet management apps and human health management apps to understand the architecture and iterated on it after getting feedback from other designers and my mentor.

Other Findings

To understand how people's frustration comes from, I decided to create two personas and empathy maps for a different group of people I had interviewed. I thought this could help me design a universal product ultimately.

My goal was to make the pets' health management experience delightful and ease confusion. Keeping this goal and people's needs in mind, I worked out an information architecture that presents the essential features in the first layer so people can access them more intuitively. 

I presented my research to my mentor and in my group crits, people suggested I add a customize category to activities along with adding activities from the Activities category so people would have multiple ways to accomplish the task of training/walking pets. 

However, due to time constraints, I couldn't add them to my MVP list. 

Momo Finance iOS Application

Supercharge young profesionals' financial literacy

A mobile tool that keeps bank accounts information safe and helps better manage budgets. Aiming to supercharge users' financial literacy with insights they can't get from banks.

The Problem

Momo is financial management and anonymous social app. Aiming to solve problems, young working professionals have to access 10s of different financial/credit products to understand their financial situations. 
Momo's goal is to create one place to help users better manage budgets and increase financial literacy.


My Role

UX/UI Design, Wireframing, Prototyping, Logo Design, Strategy


Nov - Dec 2021


1 Founder/PM, 1 Product Designer, 4 Engineers, 2 Marketers



  • Led design efforts establishing 3 artifaces.


  • Redesigned brand logo.


  • Supported engineers in developing onboarding flow. 

My Impact

Two challenges were: 

  • To figure out how to attract more users to sign up and use the product.

  • To rebrand Momo to make it more memorable and attractive.

The Challenges

Discover & Define The Problems

I researched the pet services market before and after the pandemic and found that: 

1) GenX and Millennials make up 57% of the pet services market.

2) Millennials are more eco-friendly on pert-parenting and willing to spend more on sustainable pet products.

3) Females are more willing to spend on pet goods and services.

A Glance at the Market

of pet industry customers are GenX and Millennials.

of Millennials are willing to spend more on sustainable pet products.

of female spend $21 - $100 per month on pets

Branding and Style

After analyzing other brand styles, I decided to choose green as the brand color because of its calmness and the sense of welcoming. Then I sketched out some logos and digitized them. After speaking with my mentor and some target users, I decided to choose #3 because of its unique look, a combination of pet paw and heart.

Future Roadmap

Through the synthesis of research results, I discovered major discrepancies between pet owners' behaviors and needs and what the market offers. As I had a limited timeline to deliver a product, I decided to develop an MVP that matches people's most basic needs to retain them and implement it over time.

Final Thoughts


How might vets and other pet services utilize this app to provide pets owners better services based on their daily routines?

Insurance Plan

How might insurance plans be added to offer users more accurate in or out-of-network services?

Health Insights

How might this app integrate data to generate insightful feedback to pets owners for better pet caring?

Things I would do differently...
  • Focusing more on the essential features and being more specific on solving one problem at a time;

  • Working with developers sooner, I did ask an engineer friend how to use API during my design, however, not being able to work with developers directly limited my ability to understand constraints and measure my scope. 

Thank you for reading!

To control the design in scope and deliver it on time is not easy, especially when designing a hypothetical project and trying to meet so many people's needs. If I had to do this again, I would try to focus more on the essential flows before getting into details and micro-interactions. 

UI Kit and Design System

To make my future steps more accessible, I created a UI kit and designed a system to document all components and elements. One thing I've learned during this design process is always to keep files organized so that no matter who needs to use my file, they are easily navigate through. 

"I'd like to track my pets' activities to keep them healthy and happy."

Someone using the app to track pet’s activities can also find tutorial videos in the section (upcoming features). They can choose to start tracking or watching tutorials first.

Sign up as a new user

Transparency is key. Informing users know what this app does and giving them the right to decide whether continue or not.

"Can I set up a reminder?"

Someone wanting to add a reminder might ask questions like, “How can I remind myself to do medicine fill today? Can I link it to other platforms?” In this case, they would click the “+” to add a reminder to the existing schedule.

"What if I don't want to add all details at once?"

Someone who just signed up might not be comfortable to fill all information at once. Giving them choices to do it now or later to reinforce the relationship.

User Interview Findings

I found that women spent more time and money on their pets from market research and competitor analysis and decided to conduct interviews with women. The participants are six women in total; 4 Females, age 22 - 31 years old, full-time employees or students; 2 Females, age 55-60 years old, retired — questions around the following areas to find out their habits and pain points.

1. Everyone cares about the health of their pets and has struggled during their pet care process. 
2. The primary pain points are to store pets' information in one place and remind themselves to take care of pets.

I used wireframes to create a more easy-to-follow user flow and explored potential pathways for adding pet information and reminders. 

User Personas: Fiona and Jenn

I created two personas to be more emphatical and specific with the users I'm designing for. The reason I created two personas is that each of the user groups has different pains and needs when comes to caring for pets. I used Fiona and Jenn as reference points while designing the solutions, which provided support for my decisions.

User Flow

Once I learned more about my users' needs and understood their excitement and real thoughts. I created a user flow around scenarios to visualize how they would react to situations and make decisions. 

Prioritize Tasks

After identifying the problems, I realized that the scope was too big. Due to the time given, I decided to approach the problems by first prioritizing the user needs. After I discussed my feature list with peers in my group crits and mentor sessions, I then focused on the following two features: Add pet information and Set reminder.

To Understand Users Better

I used empathy maps to connect more with end-users and to understand their frustration and motivation. 

Delivered The Experience

After two rounds of testing and iteration, I finished the first version of High Fidelity screens and the final prototype, incorporating all the adjustments mentioned above. 

Account Creating & Onboarding
Update Information Architecture

Grouping settings to the Hamburger menu reduced the complexity of the app. 

Color Code Category

Categorizing schedules and reminders by color made people recognize items easier. 

Clarify Instructions

Clarifying instructions by giving one option to each form, so people would not need to think twice.

Update Information Architecture

Grouping settings to the Hamburger menu reduced the complexity of the app. 

Clarify Instructions

Clarifying instructions by giving one option to each form, so people would not need to think twice.

Color Code Category

Someone who just signed up might not be comfortable to fill all information at once. Giving them choices to do it now or later to reinforce the relationship.

Adding Pet Information
Adding Pet Care Reminder
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